
Southern Basin Water Market Update – July 2021

This time last year Temporary water prices in the southern basin were double the price or higher than are on the market today.  Compare the market this time last year.

Last week prices of temporary water in the Lower Murray System started at $129/ML and dropped to $120/ML by the end of the week. Temporary water prices in the Goulburn system started at $95/ML and were at $90/ML by the end of the week, and the Murrumbidgee system had temporary prices start at $80/ML and drop to $70/ML.

This price decrease is likely attributed to the higher volume of available tradeable water in the system.

In mid-July 2021 a total of 1,882.73 GL of water was available in the southern connected system below the Barmah Choke, not including the Murrumbidgee system. This is 814.85 GL more available water compared to the same time last year, and includes 602.03 GL of additional carryover water from across the Victorian Murray, New South Wales Murray and Goulburn regions.

Read More: The Australian Water Tender 2021 - Week 4 Report

Due to a negative Indian Ocean Dipole, the Bureau of Meteorology is supporting a wetter winter-spring outlook for much of southern and eastern Australia with an 80% chance of exceeding median rainfall. This is likely to result in increased water allocations which are already higher than this time last year.

Got excess water? Call Waterfind to discuss your options on 1800 890 285

Current Water Allocations 
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