Home | NSW Groundwater Allocation

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand there is lots to learn about the water market and related industries. Throughout this website you will find collections of the most frequently asked questions. This page contains them all.


NSW Groundwater Allocation

How can I Register my Interest?

To register your interest Contact Waterfind and your market specialist will complete the necessary forms on your behalf.

When does Registration of Interest Open?

Applications will be available on the 1st of November and will conclude on the 30th of November.

How does the Tender process work?

The opportunity to buy new shares in these groundwater sources has a limited number of shares available in each groundwater source. Available shares in these groundwater sources will be offered in order of highest to lowest bids until all shares are exhausted.

How many water sources are included in the Controlled Allocation Tender?

There are 47 Water sources for you to bid on. You can view the full listing in the NSW Government Gazette here.

What is a Controlled Allocation?

A controlled allocation provides a right to acquire a water access licence for a specified water source (often Groundwater Sources) by auction in an order published in the Government Gazette.

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