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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand there is lots to learn about the water market and related industries. Throughout this website you will find collections of the most frequently asked questions. This page contains them all.


Water Trading Explained

How Much Water am I Allocated?

The volume of water allocated in a given year can change depending on the amount granted by the appropriate water authority. You can check your current allocation here.

What is the difference between my water entitlement and water allocation?

There are two main types of water rights traded in the Murray-Darling Basin: water entitlements and water allocations.

Water entitlements are the total amount of water you own, allowing you to receive a certain volume of water during a season.

Water allocations are the percentage of a water entitlement that can be taken from the water source in that year. This can vary from year to year.

When Does the Water Season Start and Finish?

The water season runs from the 1st of July to the 30th of June.

What are my Water Rights?

The Australian Government manages our water resources through issuing ‘rights’ (licenses, allocations, entitlements) to manage and control water use.

Water rights define how much water you are entitled to in a fully allocated year, where your water can be used, and any limitations on your licence.

If you have questions and queries regarding the water rights within your region, contact us today!

How Does Water Trading Work in Australia?

Waterfind makes water trading easy, where you can buy or sell water using our 24/7 online platform. You can also talk to your dedicated water account manager, and they can handle the process for you.

What is Water Trading?

With water being a limited and valuable resource, water trading encourages efficient water use by allowing it to be used where it’s needed most. Water trading is the act of selling your water allocation (temporarily) or entitlement (permanently) to another eligible water licence holder.

Contact one of our experienced consultants and learn how our online Water Market 24/7 personalised feed can benefit your business today.

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