Issued 15 April 2024 The projected minimum opening allocation for South Australian River Murray irrigators for the 2024-25 water year is 100 percent. This is based on a water availability assessment provided by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority that shows under a “worst-case” scenario, South Australia will receive its full annual River Murray Entitlement of 1,850 gigalitres (GL). This is well above the 1,496 GL at which irrigators reach allocations of 100 percent. With the projected minimum opening allocation being greater than 50 percent, the carryover of unused allocations from 2023-24 will not be available in 2024-25. As the projected minimum opening allocation is 100 percent, no more allocation announcements are scheduled for the 2024-25 water year. In mid-June 2024, the volume of water available for allocation from the River Murray Consumptive Pool will be gazetted and allocations issued for use from 1 July 2024. Water users will be advised of this at that time. For more information see the latest allocation statement. Provide your intent to trade with Waterfind by clicking here |