
Updated Trade Ordering System

At Waterfind, we listened to our clients about how we can improve our system and make your trading process easier and simpler.

So we've rolled out a new update to our 24/7 LIVE water market that will help you by making the process for placing an order even easier and quicker. This update to our system comes after receiving feedback from our clients.

We have reduced the time it takes to place an order by over 50%

The entire trade ordering system can be completed and uploaded to our market on a single page and with just a few clicks. We have also made it easier for you to know the total price of the water to be placed on the market and the costing of that order.

An example snapshot of the simple new trade ordering page

Read More: New Goulburn to Murray Trade Rules

Waterfind has made this improvement to its platform as a part of its goal to provide timely and superior service to its clients. If you do have any questions about the new process, please contact your local water account manager on
1800 890 285.

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